Tuesday, August 18, 2009

our daily bread

This morning, I woke up smelling Winter in the early August air. I shouldn't be surprised that the seasons are changing again. And God said to me "Emma, the manna is spoiled."

This past weekend found my parents, myself, and my brothers Nathan and Mark standing in Mark's new studio apartment. We talked about Mark's new school. Mom and I talked about my upcoming wedding in May. Nathan and dad discussed his plans after his five-year contract with the Marines ends in January. Back home, there are three more siblings ages 13, 12, and 9 - the ages we were when they were babies.

Change is unavoidable. It is beautiful, and it is unpleasant. Sometimes sudden, like a lightning storm. Sometimes subtle, like a young tree. The milestones remind us of how long it's been, and how quick it came. And though we can spot the turn in the road from miles off, it still catches us unprepared.

In this time of change, God has given me three things to meditate on:

-"He who walks with the wise grows wise" - Proverbs 13:3
-"He who guards his lips guards his life" - Proverbs 13:20
-Manna only lasted one day

The first two are self explanatory. Surround yourself with good advisers. Speak with care. The things you do and say in a time of transition are eternally pivotal in your direction.

Manna only lasted one day. The Isrealites had to look to God for provision and refreshment on a daily basis. How many times in life do we only gather our manna once a week? It's not enough. It doesn't keep. When you wake up in the morning, it is essential that you gather more.

Yesterday's is spoiled. God wants you to gather a fresh portion.

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