Monday, October 19, 2009

The two faulted camps of the abortion issue

According to some statistics, abortion is losing it's place at the top of society's most heated topics. That could either be really good news or really bad news. 

It could mean that our society has stopped caring, and that abortion has moved from controversial into the realm of excepted norm. Or it could mean that FINALLY, people on opposite sides are beginning to read eachother's picket signs and show a little compassion for each other. 

There are two respective camps of abortion activists in my opinion - and both are hard to side with.

One screams that it's a woman's body (which it's not - the baby may be inside a woman's body, but has it's own blood and DNA). They advocate for letting the person who is either uninformed or irresponsible enough to get pregnant now make the decision of if that baby will live or die.

One screams "murderer" at little girls who are scared already because they are pregnant, the guy who promised love and security and worth is gone, the family that didn't educate them about what sex is really for is now angry that she got her ideas elsewhere, and her friends can't relate to her morning sickness and inner conflict.

One camp doesn't care that all statistics point to life, not tissues. That by the time you make the appointment, the heart is already beating on it's own. That inconvenience is a very selfish motive for ending a life.

One camp doesn't care that teen pregnancy is a product of low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and the deception that there is such a thing as casual sex.

One would rather fool themselves into thinking that termination is more responsible than taking on the responsibilities of caring for their baby.

One would rather quote Bible verses against murder than verses about God's forgiveness, provision, understanding, comfort, peace, guidance, and limitless love - the exact things that those women are thirsty for.

Pro-abortionists need to take their eyes off of themselves and their "plans" and recognize a miracle when they see one, convenient or no.

Anti-abortionists need to hold out a hand to that woman who is going into the clinic and say "It's going to be okay. Tell me your story. Let me help."

There are a million exceptions - rape, disease, you name it. But instead of focusing on those, we need to start by focusing on the main problems that are keeping us from reaching an understanding.

Casual sex is an abomination. Is the Superbowl casual? Is a murder trial casual? Is a Papal inauguration casual? No! Why should sex - the baring of your naked soul to another person's naked soul, the symbol of unity and beauty of design - be casual? Truth exposed, joy incarnate. Anything less is wrong. There is no metaphor or comparison that can describe how wrong it is. 

Girls need to know that they are precious, and don't need to sleep with a guy to prove their value. Everyone should know the statistics - even just looking at a picture of a baby 6 weeks along can bridge the gap between ignorance and awareness.

I want you to do two things after reading this.

1 - decide which side you are on.
2 - put yourself in the other side's shoes.

See where that takes you.

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